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➢ characters

In this section of the site, you can find a list of known NPCs and their descriptions. This also works as an example, of what your own character form might look like when filled in. In World of Fear, the focus is on creating character relationships and exploring the world and as such, we do not require highly detailed or novel-length introductions to the characters. As long as the basics are down and written in a manner that a stranger to your character is able to understand the basic aspects of them, they are considered acceptable in our books.


About NPCs.

Most NPCs are characters that can be directly used in everyone's games freely without needing to alert the NPC creator about it. However, we do ask that someone on the mod team is alerted/asked when one of the Zone leaders/important plot NPCs are used in the game. For characters that need to be asked for permission, it should be mentioned clearly in their form on the site. This goes both for important plot NPCs and NPCs created by the players.

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